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Nishitbaria's github profile

Laugh Hub is a hilarious bot with advanced AI voice assistance that offers fun conversations, funny stories, a meme generator, and three to four entertaining games. It's the perfect destination for anyone looking for a good laugh and a break from their daily routine

Travel Agency

Princessayomide53's github profile

Jadoo is the Name, it's a travel agency website that can helps people with their traveling into another country and enable them book any flight of their choice


rupali-codes's github profile

LinksHub is an open source Hub of ready-to-use tech resources. It contains links to free resources such as images, fonts, color, animation, languages and many more.


Sahilll15's github profile

Portfolio is a dynamic website showcasing the impressive work and projects of Sahil Chalke. Crafted using ReactJS and NextJS, this portfolio website elegantly presents Sahil's skills and achievements.


suravshrestha's github profile

Interactive visualization tool for pathfinding, backtracking, and recursion algorithms.

Movie Rental and Buying System

HartzFrequency's github profile

This project is a movie rental and buying system implemented in Cpp. The system allows users to browse catalog of movies, rent and buy movies, manage their rentals and purchases, and store user data using file handling.

Chat App

Sahilll15's github profile

Chat App is a real-time messaging application developed with Node.js and Socket.IO. Engage in seamless conversations with friends and family through this chat app, which utilizes HTML, ExpressJS, EJS, and CSS for the user interface.

Text Utils

gaurabsaha12345's github profile

Utilize the Text with functionality

Movie Trailer

goketech's github profile

The movie-trailer app is a web application that allows users to search and view trailers for their favorite movies. The application is developed using reactjs and integrated with the TMD and YouTube APIs to fetch movie trailers. The application has a responsive design that adapts to different screen sizes and features a search bar and filter option to help users navigate through the content.

Cloud Reminder

ighoshsubho's github profile

A reminder app that reminds you about particular task via mail and phone number.